Phoenix St. Peter Academy's local governing body operates within the Reach2 Governance model, further information can be found below.
If you are interested in becoming a governor for our school please contact Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Freeman or Mrs. Ward.
Tom Twort - Chair of Phoenix St. Peter Academy, Local Governing Body
Executive Headteacher for Reach2
Tom Twort is the Chair of our LBG and also an Executive Headteacher for Reach2.
Tom is an Executive Headteacher for two Reach2 schools and provides additional support and oversight for other Reach2 schools.
Mr. T. Twort - Chair of Local Governing Body
Phoenix St. Peter Academy
Enstone Road
NR33 0NE
Matthew Jordan - Executive Headteacher
Matthew was appointed as Associate Headteacher on the 1st September 2021, to continue the school's ongoing improvement and development.
Emily Hayes - Assistant Headteacher, EYFS & English Lead & Staff Governor
Mrs. Hayes is a long-standing member of staff and also our Assistant Headteacher. She is responsible for our school's curriculum, literacy, as well as for Early Years and Key Stage 1. Mrs. Hayes is also an Alternate Designated Safeguarding Officer and can be contacted by email at:
Richard Stone, Co-Opted LGB Member
Richard was appointed in September 2021 as a community co-opted governor and brings a wealth of experience to the role, including fifteen years in international business and 10 years experience in Post-16 education, in the role of Course Leader in Business & Economics.
Richard can be contacted by email at:
Fiona Usher, Trust appointed Governor - Vice Chair & Pupil Voice Governor
Fiona was appointed in March 2023 as a community co-opted governor. Fiona has spent several months as a Volunteer at Phoenix St. Peter Academy, and also serves the community as our Road Safety Patrol person. Before moving to Lowestoft, Fiona lived in London and worked as a Teaching Assistant for many years. She is passionate about supporting our school and community and thoroughly enjoys both roles at Phoenix St. Peter Academy.
Fiona can be contacted by email at:
Julie Vingoe, Trust appointed Governor - Safeguarding & SEND Governor
Julie has joined the governing body following her 21 years as the school's Administration Assistant, continuing her loyal commitment and dedication to the school, and bringing her wealth of skills and knowledge to her governance role. Julie can be contacted by email at:
Samantha Belson, Parent Governor - Looked After Children Governor
Sam's four children have all attended Phoenix St. Peter Academy over a 15 year span, giving her a wealth of knowledge and personal experience of the school and it's development. Sam is a busy working mum and delighted to support the school as part of it's governing body.
Sam can be contacted by email at: