Teaching & Learning
Our curriculum was written by school leaders and aims to develop a wide range of skills which allows children to focus on broadening their horizons, both academically and culturally, preparing them for the future.
Our curriculum seeks to promote curiosity, investigation and exploration. It provides young people with the opportunity to acquire skills that are transferable and relevant to their lives, in order to broaden their horizons in the years ahead. By fostering the courage to ask questions, the creativity to experiment, the aspiration to focus and persevere, and the kindness to share and collaborate, the Horizon Curriculum embeds Phoenix’s core values into young people’s day-to-day learning experience.
Our Curriculum Aims
- To provide children with the learning behaviours they need to be prepared for the future.
- To develop lessons that are challenging, engaging and purposeful, to support children in building their confidence and self-esteem.
- To ensure that children are well-educated by equipping them with the key literacy and numeracy skills necessary.
- To establish various themes across the school, built on strong cross-curricular links, where opportunities are created to develop meaningful learning.
- Our curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of all children and the Equality Act 2010 and SEND 2014 regulations.
At Phoenix St Peter Academy, it is our promise that…
In Reading
- All children will understand the importance of reading and how it helps them to succeed.
- All children will show developing confidence in both word reading and comprehension of texts for their year group.
- All children will have experienced reading a range of quality texts, including some classic novels.
- All children will have a developing knowledge of authors and will be able to talk about their style of writing.
In Writing
- All children will develop an appetite for writing through an engaging bespoke writing system.
- All children will have the confidence to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
- All children will be exposed to high standards of language and literacy through modelling and higher-level examples.
In Maths
- All children can do maths. Every single child.
- All children will be fluent in mathematical skills and will have multiple opportunities to apply these skills to reasoning and problem-solving.
- All children will be able to use mathematical vocabulary accurately to talk about their maths and their mathematical understanding.
In Science
- All children will be able to talk about and discuss the world around them by using key scientific vocabulary.
- All children will be able to take part in scientific investigations and understand how these can help us to answer relevant scientific questions.
- All children will have the opportunity to explore science within their locality.
In Physical Education
- All children will know the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and will understand how to stay healthy.
- All children will develop skills that can be used across a variety of sports.
- All students will be confident when participating in PE lessons.
- All children will have the opportunity to participate in a sporting event.
In Computing
- All children will understand how to use technology safely and will know how to raise concerns that they have in a suitable way.
- All children will be ‘digitally literate’ and be prepared for the future workplace.
In Geography
- All children will understand how to look after their planet for future generations.
- All children will take part in fieldwork in Lowestoft and their local area.
- All children will develop their curiosity about the wider world and how these are similar and different to their own locality.
- All children will be able to use an atlas confidently.
In History
- All children will be able to discuss key events in British History and the wider world, using a timeline to show the chronology of these events.
- All children will know about the history of Lowestoft and how it has changed over time.
- All children will understand how events from the past can cause change and impact on life today.
- All children will be able to talk about significant people from the past and what difference they have made to our lives today.
In Art
- All children will be able to express themselves through the medium of art, taking inspiration from their favourite artist and style.
- All children will explore different artists, enabling them to discuss and explore what art forms they prefer and who their favourite artist is and why.
- All children will benefit from experiencing an art workshop.
In Design Technology
- All children will develop and use a variety of practical skills in order to provide them with some techniques that may be used in the local industry.
- All children will benefit from learning sewing skills within textiles to develop their fine motor skills.
- All children will benefit from learning about food and how to cook to promote a healthy lifestyle.
- All children will experience a workshop with a professional.
In Religious Education
- All children will have a developing understanding of a variety of different religions.
- All children will view people’s opinions, ideas and beliefs positively.
- All children will be able to share and discuss their own religious practices and views in a comfortable environment.
- All children will visit a place of worship and/or meet an individual that practices a religion other than their own.
In French
- All children will develop their curiosity about other countries and different languages.
- All children will know basic language structures to apply to different languages.
- All children will be confident enough to continue learning a new language when they enter secondary school.
In Music
- All children will have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument.
- All children will be able to perform, listen to and critically evaluate a wide range of music from different cultures, genres and composers.
At Phoenix St Peter Academy we are aware that the physical and mental benefits of yoga are huge. Teaching children some simple yoga poses can help them to build coordination, flexibility, and endurance. Yoga is taught by a fully trained teacher from Yoga Alliance International, who is also trained in Pilates.
A child who learns yoga, mindfulness and relaxation will be developing essential skills for a lifetime of health and wellness in mind, body and spirit.
The benefits of teaching Yoga to young children are real, and we are witnessing the positive impacts every week.
- Yoga teaches self-acceptance.
- Children learn self-awareness through yoga
- Yoga supports positive mental health in children
- Yoga poses help to build muscles, increase flexibility, and develop balance.
- Yoga has an impact on developing concentration, focus and helps create Mind-Body Connection.
- It helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
If you would like to learn more about our curriculum, please contact us at: office@phoenixstpeteracademy.org